Solar Powered Autonomous Boat
Problem statement
Lake Mendota is known as the birthplace of the field of limnology, the scientific study of inland waters. With the high level of farmland in the immediate area of Madison, the lake has a higher probability to be penetrated with pesticides and fertilizer runoff, both of which contain nitrogen and phosphorus. With the increased amounts of rainfall in the region and surge of runoff, the growth of algae blooms thrive, creating an anaerobic environment in the water depleting the oxygen for fish and other species to survive. It is crucial to test the quality of Lake Mendota in order to treat the water, maintain a balance in the ecosystem, and keep the community safe. Currently, the Public Health Services of Madison and Dane County take water samples once a week at a number of public beaches to test specifically for E. Coli and Blue-Green Algae, a cyanobacteria [1]. In order to increase efficiency and relieve skilled workers from such a monotonous task, we intend to create an autonomous, solar-powered boat that can cruise Lake Mendota without the need for human intervention. We will specifically be focusing on the design and manufacturing of the boat’s hull and frame. Our hope is that this boat will also be able to take samples from the lake more frequently than only once a week, further ensuring that the water is safe. Some members of the public may be concerned with protecting swimmers and boaters, so we promise to follow all regulations and standards applicable to autonomous boats in order to ensure the safety of others. With this technology we intend to create, the city of Madison can be at ease knowing Lake Mendota is consistently being inspected while saving the Public Health Services from completing these tedious tasks. [1] Public Health Madison & Dane County. (2021). How We Monitor Beach Water Quality.
Team members![team 8 2021](
Carter Theis – leader
Annalise Hothckiss – communicator
Will Hanfland – accountant
Lucas Iezzi – admin
Kristofer Dressler, ME Professor