Goldilocks and The Three Ducts

logo 10-2021HVAC System For Single Story Office Building

Problem statement

Imagine an office building that gets so uncomfortably warm that employees melt into their chairs, or an office so cold that they wear winter jackets at their desks. Heat, cold, humidity, and direct air blowing on people can all create an uncomfortable working environment, reducing productivity. Controlling humidity is not just important for comfort, but is key to keeping equipment and building material in good shape. Additionally, COVID-19 has raised people’s awareness of the importance of proper ventilation and air filtration to minimize the spread of infectious disease. This is why our client needs an HVAC system designed for their new office building. One type of HVAC system used to provide space conditioning in office buildings that could work for our client is a variable air volume (VAV) system. VAV systems are more energy efficient but designers are looking for alternatives that can manage capital costs while ensuring a system that satisfies the thermal needs of occupants. Other technologies that could be considered include: dedicated outdoor air systems, variable refrigerant flow systems, and chilled beams. We intend to provide our client and their employees a comfortable working environment in order to be productive. In the end, our goal is to provide our client with plans, layouts, and a system to keep all personnel comfortable while following code requirements and saving money.

Team membersteam 10 2021

Jordan Vonbehren – leader
Doran Mackowski – communicator
Jackson Daniel Merk – accountant
Willy Huang – admin


John Zimmerman, JF Ahern Co.