Automatic Part Loader

logo34-2021Robotic Part-Loading Mechanism for Vertical Lathe

Problem statement

Automation in manufacturing is a tried and true method to improve efficiency, ensure quality, and reduce costs. Our client, Bingman-Precision, is looking to automate the loading and unloading processes of a vertical lathe. By automating a task that has previously been done manually, our customer expects to save up to $200,000 per year in total costs, while also allowing greater throughput of parts for increased sales. Automating part loading and unloading will also improve safety for machine operators, as repetitive motions contribute to nearly 60% of work-related injuries in the U.S. in the form of muscle strains and pulls. Robotic loading and unloading solutions are commercially available from companies such as FANUC, ABB, and KUKA, but they are unduly complex and highly expensive for our customer’s application. Individual industrial robotic components can cost in excess of $5,000. A custom-made, machine-specific loader could meet the requirement for automated part loading and unloading while significantly reducing the required investment. The customer will have access to all design drawings, specifications, and materials lists, allowing them to manufacture or order replacement components directly rather than through a third party. This will keep maintenance costs low compared to commercially available solutions. Thus, the development and implementation of a custom automatic part loader will allow our client to increase productivity and improve safety, all while keeping costs low.

Team membersteam34-2021

Connor Sanda – leader
Ashley Pernsteiner – communicator
Finn Roberts – accountant
Brian Callen – admin



Rob Weisheit, Bingaman-Precision Metal Spinning, Co.