Bucky’s Rowbike Team

logo39-2021Design and manufacture a rowbike

Problem statement

One’s commute to work, by car or bus, is often looked at as a waste of valuable time by most, especially those who are very active. Sitting on a vessel taking you from point A to B does nothing to stimulate the muscles. For many, biking to work is an alternative; in fact, 870,000 people commute to work via bicycle in the United States (Burrows 2019). However, biking only works the lower body. Our client, Professor Peter Adamczyk, wants a means of transportation powered via a rowing motion, one that activates all of the body’s muscles. Products on the market such as the ROWBike and Rowcycle do fit these needs, however they do not mimic the motion of a rowing machine closely, are not readily available for sale (Schmidtler 2016), and are problematic in steering, gear changing and braking . We intend to develop a vehicle that aims to deliver a full body workout in the form of rowing, while maintaining the ease of shifting, steering, and braking that can be found in a bike. Our design intends to provide workout enthusiasts, bike addicts, and daily commuters, alike, a new form of transportation that works the whole body.

Team membersteam39 2021

Andrew Zeman – leader
Noah Nelson – communicator
Nick Martin – accountant
Drew Arndt – admin



Professor Peter Adamczyk, UW-Madison