The Dead Weights

logo36 2021Human Powered Vehicle Solar Trailer

Problem statement

The ASME Human Powered Vehicle Competition is an annual collegiate contest which seeks the best human powered vehicle design, with the underlying goal of creating a vehicle on which an entire city could depend in lieu of ICEs. This means that creating not only a fast vehicle, but also one that is usable as an everyday vehicle is imperative. Most designs submitted in the competition, however, only focus on the former. “Innovations related to any aspect of human-powered vehicles are encouraged… Teams will develop innovative pedal electric designs, carefully evaluating the benefits, costs, safety implications, and potential disadvantages.” [1] Our goal is to create a tow-behind trailer that will not only serve as added cargo space, but also contain a solar cell and battery that can be hooked up to any eBike for long haul rides. This would allow a rider to take their Human Powered Vehicle to the grocery store after work, on weekend camping trips (with the added benefit of being able to charge their phone), or anything else that we currently use the trunk of our cars for. We believe that useability-centric (as opposed to performance-centric) additions to not only our vehicle, but also bikes in general are hugely important for their larger adoption into the daily routines of city folk. We will be testing the feasibility of commuter-vehicle replacement in the uniquely ideal biking environment of Madison, which ranked second among U.S. cities in biking infrastructure. [2] In less bike-friendly cities, such as Dallas or Atlanta, the infrastructure half of the problem will need to be tackled in harmony with widespread adoption of human-powered commutes. [1] ASME HPVC. “RULES FOR THE 2022 HUMAN POWERED VEHICLE CHALLENGE COMPETITIONS.” Sept. 2021. [2] Kliems, Post Author By Harald, and 2020: A Madison Bikes Year like No Other – Madison Bikessays:. “Madison Ranked Second Best Us Biking City.” Madison Bikes. 22 June 2020. Web. 23 Sept. 2021.

Team membersteam36 2021

Oliver Ouradnik – leader
Jack Weaver – communicator
Noah Bougie – accountant
Jon Bauer – admin



ASME HPV Competition