
logo49-2021Hybrid Quadcopter

Problem statement

Today, the autonomous exploration of unstructured spaces, including outer space planets and tunnels, is greatly limited due to complex terrains and limited power supply. To carry out possible solutions that can explore unknown areas more cost-effectively, our client desires a prototype design of a hybrid robot that can not only fulfill the navigation flexibility requirement but also achieve rather high endurance. In recent years, several solutions, including Flying STAR and Rollocopter, have been proposed. [1][2] Even though models can shift between aerial terrestrial modes and navigate in all terrains, Flying STAR is cumbersome in motion, and Rollocopter’s design gives up environmental awareness. We will provide our client with a solution that can make it easier to navigate through unstructured spaces for long endurance with an aerial-terrestrial hybrid robot. In the end, our solution enables end-users in the aerospace or emergency rescue industry to explore unknown territories. [1] Flying STAR, a Hybrid Crawling and Flying Sprawl Tuned Robot | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore [2]

Team membersteam49-2021

William Dong – leader
Yuanheng Gan – communicator
Hongyuan Qi – accountant
Qingyue Liu – admin



Xiangru Xu, UW-Madison