Install an Eddy Current Dynamometer for the UW Automotive Competition Teams
Problem statement
The Wisconsin Automotive teams need the ability to perform transient engine dynamometer tests to advance their powertrain programs. An accessible dynamometer will provide members the opportunity to characterize their powertrain architecture, inspiring additional upgrades and optimization of relevant systems for superior performance. In previous years, the teams utilized a water-brake dynamometer. Insufficient control schemes, faulty operation, and poor safety considerations lead to its removal from the undergraduate automotive facilities. However, a generous donor recently gifted the teams with an eddy current dynamometer, providing closer alignment to each team’s specific needs. The eddy current dynamometer will improve testing potential for applicable powertrain systems with transient testing capabilities, precise load control, and efficient data acquisition systems [1]. Implementation of one central computer aimed to perform both the data acquisition and control will establish simpler operation of the dynamometer testing facility. Newly-designed stands with universal engine mounting, along with an efficient layout for multiple teams’ use will provide efficient setup procedures and increase data collection time. Establishment of proper maintenance methods and safety measures will ensure reliable use of this facility for future teams as well. The addition of an eddy current dynamometer in the University of Wisconsin’s world class automotive facilities will continue to foster the tradition of excellence among the College of Engineering’s competition teams. Aimed to provide motivated engineering students the opportunity to build a strong foundation in engine and powertrain performance fundamentals, it will inspire innovation and advancements in the automotive field from the University of Wisconsin-Madison for years to come.
Team members
Justin Paddock – leader
John Brandt – communicator
Tommy Hines – accountant
Nathan Guth – admin