
logo26 2020Autonomous Delivery Vehicle

Problem statement

Imagine being a freshman, touring the mechanical engineering building and upon opening the doors, an automated robot is casually strolling down the first hallway you come across. This sight alone verifies that you have made the right decision in enrolling at The University of Wisconsin-Madison, in hopes of creating your own machine to give the following generation that same inspiration. As all engineers know, hard work and time allocation is crucial for large-scale projects to be completed in a timely manner. Surveys report that the average worker wastes 1.5-3 hours of their workday on tasks unrelated to their jobs.[1] A robot delivering supplies within the workplace can reduce time spent on non-essential tasks and compensate for time wasted in the workday. Team WiscDelivery intends to create an autonomous delivery vehicle that is designed for indoor use in the Mechanical Engineering Building to showcase the capabilities of its students and faculty. The designated vehicle will have the ability to detect any environmental obstructions and avoid them to deliver packages within the building. [1] B. Lam, “The Wasted Workday,” The Atlantic, Dec. 2014, [Online]. Available: https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/12/the-wasted-workday/383380/.

Team membersteam26 2020

Mitchell Rybarik – leader
Adam Schyvinck – communicator
Faisal Alrayes – accountant
Wei Wu – admin


Dr. Michael Cheadle, UW-Madison