CWC 2021 Participant
Problem statement
Around 17% of all the energy produced in the United States comes from renewable sources, out of which 6.6% comes from wind energy [1]. Although this is impressive, it is not nearly as much as what Germany and Spain produce, 29% and 19% total energy respectively [2][3][4]. Although America may be slightly behind, organizations such as WiscWind creates a platform for potential advancement in this field. Our client, WiscWind, is a student organization that represents UW-Madison in an intercollegiate wind competition every year. This competition consists of various tasks, the most important being the turbine design. WiscWind has created a place where creativity is encouraged and undergraduate students can further deepen their knowledge of wind energy while seeing it as a potential career path. The overall goal is to help our client do the best they can in the 2021 Department of Energy Collegiate Wind Competition, while also potentially creating new ideas and designs that could be helpful to the wind energy industry.
Team members
Zak Schuster – leader
Carter Przybylski – communicator
CJ Bajaj – accountant
Zane Mao – admin
Scott P. Williams, Wisconsin Energy Institute