Lake Cleanup Team

logo06 2019Debris separation mechanism for use in Dane County lakes

Problem statement

The beaches of Lake Mendota were closed 23% of last summer, banning kids from fun in the sun for a quarter of their summer break [1]. With the first recorded bloom in 1976, the lakes of Dane County have suffered from toxic blue-green algae blooms, poisoning their ecosystem and public perception of the lakes over the last 40 years [2]. Our mission is to give the community of Madison a chance to enjoy the neighboring lakes and beaches by removing the algae and debris plaguing the area. The development and testing of a debris separation device will give the lakes of Dane County a cleaner reflection and encourage the community to participate in the sustaining of the lakes’ health.

Team membersteam 6 2019

Gunnar Maples – leader
Alec Struensee – communicator
Brooke Lindberg – accountant
Brady Reichardt – admin


Jim White, Clean Lakes Alliance