LRA Solenoids

logo18 2019Linear Reluctance Actuator

Problem statement

Our customer, Kyle Hanson, the lab manager of WEMPEC, requires our team to design and manufacture an educational linear reluctance actuator kit for helping students understand the process of reluctance force during the lab session while keeping the price of each educational kit under $20. There are very few solenoid education kits available on the market. The one that is available costs $30.99 and is beyond the price range of our customers. Our team will focus on providing an affordable educational kit that can be used under 12V laboratory power supply unit. Each student from the team will build and test their own actuator, and seek their best model with a great balance on cost efficiency and lab uses. Our team will treat a comprehensive understanding on structures and functions of linear reluctance actuators as our best learning outcomes.

Team membersteam18 2019

Kevin Kong – leader
Evan Ogren – communicator
Mitchell Boyle – accountant
Bocheng Lin – admin


Kyle Hanson