Design and Manufacture a Row Bike
Problem statement
The commute to work or to the gym, to get a full-body workout, can be looked at as a waste of valuable time. Having to sit down in a vehicle to get to your destination provides no active stimulation, imagine instead being able to use this time to get your full-body workout while also commuting. Many people would say that you could just bike to your destination, in fact as many as 870,000 people commute by bicycle in the US but this does not provide a full-body workout. The team’s client, Professor Peter Adamczyk, wants a transportation method that utilizes the rowing motion, which activates all of the muscles. Past attempts such as Rowbike and rowcycle have been made to try and fit these needs, however, they do not mimic the actual rowing cycle, are not readily available to purchase, and are difficult to get a hang of using, with complicated steering, braking, and shifting systems. The goal of this project is to develop a rowing motion powered tricycle that maintains the ease of braking, shifting, and steering that a bicycle has, with specific emphasis on the braking, steering, and shifting portions. The product plans to give bike addicts, workout enthusiasts, and commuters, a new form of transportation that allows them to experience a full body workout while commuting and without going to a gym.
Team members
Moya Korpela – leader
Collin Krachey – communicator
Nick Kuntz – accountant
Liz Donner – admin
Dr. Peter Adamczyk
UW-Madison Mechanical Engineering