Badger De-Bug

2022 logo51Keeping the lens of a camera clear from debris

Problem statement

Our client, CycloMedia Inc., develops roof-top mounted camera systems to capture panoramic views of street-level environments for their customers. However, this technique is plagued by a problem where foreign substances get stuck on the front lenses, which is critical in capturing high-quality images. Even a single leaf, or a splattered fly, can render hundreds of photographs useless, and the company will need to go back and re-capture those images. Therefore, their temporary solution is to instruct the to stop every hour and clean the lens. This is time-consuming and does not fully solve the problem. There is a pressing need for a solution that can minimize the requirement for drivers to manually clean the lens and to allow for more efficient and complete image capture. Our solution will create a more stable image-capture environment, by implementing add-ons to the vehicle or camera module, to improve image quality and more efficient image-capture missions.

Team members2022 team51

Andy Yan – leader
Grant Freeman – communicator
Junyong Sim – accountant
Eric Schmidt – admin


Jennifer Kuntz, CycloMedia