Badgers on Wheels

logo46-2023e-HPV Project

Problem statement

The e-HPVC (Electric – Human Powered Vehicle Challenge) Club was once an official UW-Madison club where students would come together to build an electrically assisted human-powered vehicle to compete in a yearly competition consisting of multiple categories. The goal of this competition, as listed on the ASME e-HPVC website is, “an engineering design and innovation competition that gives students the opportunity to network and apply engineering principles through the design, fabrication, and racing of human powered vehicles.” [1] To fulfill our client, the e-HPV Challenge, we will redesign the vehicle from last year with the intent to make it lighter and more robust while making sure the vehicle is durable and fun to ride. Another benefit to designing this vehicle would be the potential to reignite interest in the e-HPVC club at UW-Madison. This club is a great way to apply and learn engineering principles while connecting with peers in engineering. Ultimately, we believe our new design will perform well at the annual e-HPVC competition and create a community at UW-Madison where engineers can connect and collaborate on challenging technical problems while having fun.

[1] “ASME e-HPVC”, Accessed: Sep. 29, 2023. [Online]. Available:

Team membersteam46-2023

Jack Loebbaka – leader
Kenny Lee – communicator
Sam McGinnis – accountant
Tyler Kurowski – admin


Teekay Kowalewski
UW-Madison eHPVC Team