Dynamic Loading

logo35-2023Device update for dynamic loading experiment

Problem statement

College-level engineering education aims to equip students with scientific knowledge and technical skills, encompassing the ability to conduct laboratory experiments through tool analysis and collaborative teamwork. By utilizing advanced pieces of equipment, Dr. Randy anticipates that the update of the existing testing machine for impact loading will further facilitate a comprehensive comprehension of engineering principles for students. Moreover, it fosters students with enhanced motivation and instills a profound sense of accomplishment upon completion. The existing Dynamic Loading testing device contains a wax-coated string used for indirectly measuring the deflection of the beam. The upcoming device is anticipated to incorporate advanced technical elements of our choices and within the budget, thereby enhancing its overall functionality and performance. In general, we expect that the device can improve accuracy and implement dynamic loading without string. We also expect the device to be able to replace beams of different lengths (20-32 inches) with the same cross-sectional area (1.5 x 0.190 in^2). Additionally, the unit should be easily portable by a single individual. It would be advantageous to obtain a cart equipped with locking wheels to ensure the stability of each unit. Finally, if circumstances permit, a strain gauge will be added to the improved device to explore the relationship between stress and strain along the beam.

Team membersteam35-2023

Alexander Timothy Schmidt – leader
Haotong Wang – communicator
Yuhao Huai – accountant
Haozhong Deng – admin


Randy Jackson