Shadow Mask Aligner
Problem statement
Photolithography is a very sensitive process that is used in the manufacturing of microelectronics, comprising of multiple steps that are both expensive and time-consuming. This method has been used in industry and research for over 60 years, but due to its precision and sensitivity, graduate students conducting research often struggle with the process and spend a considerable amount of time trying to pattern a silicon wafer, when they could be dedicating that time to working on their projects. Shadow masking is an easier alternative that requires less steps and in turn, less components. However, the process for micro-scale alignment is yet to be refined at a low cost. The purpose of this project is to design a user-friendly alignment system that is both robust and inexpensive.
Team members
Nicola Mennella – leader
Saud Aljuhani – communicator
Ahmed Hamidaddeen – accountant
Mohamed Houidi – admin
Dakotah Thompson