Stirling Studs

Stirling studs 2024Stirling Engine Applications

Problem statement

As engineers, it is a responsibility to use our energy as efficiently as possible. There’s only so many resources on our planet and they won’t last forever. Industrial processes to manufacture materials use a significant amount of energy, with an estimated 51% of their input energy being rejected, mostly as waste heat. While methods like the Organic Rankine Cycle do exist, they aren’t always viable. There are issues with them if there are temperature fluctuations, causing increased corrosion and the need to regularly restart during operations. The working fluids they use are also combustible and can be a safety hazard if there are any leaks. We hope to research and design a Stirling engine to convert wasted heat into energy. Ultimately, trying to make use of our natural resources as efficiently as possible.

Team membersStirling studs 2024

Josh Delgado – facilitator
Alex Buchan – communicator
Sam Cartwright – accountant
Gage Burkhardt – admin


Samuel Cartwright