
Wristify team 1 2024Rapid 3D Printing of Wrist Orthosis

Problem statement

Imagine experiencing a wrist injury and going to the clinic only to realize they are too busy and getting told you need to come back in several days or weeks to get an orthosis. During this waiting period, your wrist is vulnerable and now you need to be cautious when doing your day-day activities such as driving or brushing your teeth. Not being able to use one of your arms is a departure from normalcy and is something we take for granted. Our client, Dr. French, told us that he gets encumbered with patients in need of an orthosis and says he cannot spend all his time making them. The solution we have for this problem is to use rapid liquid printing to 3D print custom wrist orthoses in under an hour. This way patients can maintain their lifestyle while recovering and doctors can focus their efforts on other matters. Currently there are several companies who 3D Print orthoses but none use rapid liquid printing. ActiveArmor is one company that 3D prints orthoses, but only prints them at their facility taking upwards of four days to reach the clinic[1]. If we can utilize rapid liquid printing to make orthoses, the task of making them can be delegated to a readily available medical assistant leaving specialists like Dr. French to tend to other matters. [1] https://www.activarmor.com/blog/but-what-about-that-turnaround-time

Team membersWristify team 1 2024

Ethan Yun Ku – facilitator
Jonathan Boehnlein – communicator
Alex Baylock – accountant
Niket Burman – admin
Sallie Schoen


Dr. Zachary French
UW Health