Low cost incubator for kittens or other small baby animals
Problem statement
Approximately 3.4 million cats enter animal shelters in the U.S. and unfortunately, about 41% of these animals face euthanasia [1]. Such a high euthanasia rate is in part due to a lack of kitten care resources available to shelters and foster homes. Kitten care requires constant heat, humidity, feeding, and specialized knowledge which can be an expensive challenge for foster homes. One solution to providing such intense Incubators with the necessary components can be upwards of $3750, and therefore are inaccessible for shelters or volunteer foster parents. The cheapest incubator options are $700 but lack essential features to keep kittens alive and healthy. As a team, we strive to design and build a low-cost incubator with all the amenities necessary for successful kitten care. As a result of this project, foster homes will be able to provide sufficient care for kittens at a lower cost.
Team members
Emily Ofenloch – leader
Robyn Kuchler – communicator
Michael Matuszewski – accountant
Shane Deng – admin
Rebecca Montgomery, Forster for CCHS