Smart Tool Holder

logo01 2020Cutting tool holder for thermocouple embedded tools

Problem statement

Temperature of a cutting tool is a very critical aspect of the machining process: temperature is the determining factor of cutting speed and tool’s lifetime. However, being able to measure the very tip of the tool is not possible until the research development on embedded thin-film thermocouples [1]. Our goal is to design a device that can measure the temperature of a cutting tool, utilizing such techniques, and transmit the information into a computer that can be used by a controller potentially. This goal has been exercised by companies such as SCHUNK [2]. However, no company has developed the technology to measure the temperature directly at the insert of a cutting tool. We are supplied a cutting insert with a sensor embedded in its surface and will be implementing the use of the sensor on a smart tool holder. In fact, there are no products that can accurately measure the tool-chip interface temperature: where the chip is sliding over the rake face of the cutting tool. Our project focuses on the creation of a smart tool holder that will enable reliable data collection from and ease of implementation of instrumented cutting inserts in an advanced manufacturing research and development application.

Team members

Shunzhang Li – leader
Matthew Schmitt – communicator
Jonathan Swift – accountant
Nick Colloton –  admin


Kurt Reinhardt