NADP Precipitation Sampler Upgrade
Problem statement
The National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) has around 340 sites between their National Trends Network (NTN) as well as their Mercury Deposition Network (MDN), which collect deposition samples from precipitation. In 2020, over 60 sites had been suspended due to failures on the collectors, mainly from the outdated gearboxes that run the collectors. Amongst outdated hardware, some samplers also failed from the extreme weather conditions of their setting. Picture the annoyance of having to constantly fix these machines which are located all over North America. The cost of not having the collectors obtaining samples could cripple the ability to monitor the harmful deposition in the atmosphere, which could prove rather devastating to all lifeforms. Increasing the reliability of these machines is the core aspect of this project, the previous groups that have worked on this project decided to change to a linear actuator system from the original gearbox to help increase reliability. Our project aims to finish the actuator proposed from prior groups as well as their installation kit. The installation kit will be a guide for the operators who are transitioning from the old system to the new system.
Team members
Shicheng Lyu – leader
Khalid Aisuwayied – communicator
Jake O’Donnell – accountant
Blake Hanegraaf – admin
Richard Tanabe and Wyatt Sherlock – NADP