Friction Surfacing Process for Repair and Remanufacturing of Steel Parts
Problem statement
Many times, metal parts can become damaged, creating a lack of safety within manufactured parts and making these damaged parts unusable. Our priorities are focused on repairing parts using several methods while being time-efficient and cost-effective. Many solutions such as welding, glue, or other processes may temporarily fix the issue, but will look noticeably different and may fail early into the repair process. Additionally, these other repair methods may not repair the part to the desired material properties required for the application. Being students in mechanical engineering, we’ve had exposure to the manufacturing process and have access to several resources. We plan to introduce our client to friction surfacing, a quick and cost-effective process to make steel parts look like they were never damaged, but more importantly, remain structurally sound. Our solution will involve examining the case study of a damaged metal part, consisting of a channel that will need to be repaired, and will provide an effective repair process to make the part as good as new. This repair process will outline various parameters as well as various material property tests that compare the repaired part to the original part to produce a fully functioning part after the completion of friction surfacing.
Team members
Keegan Vesely – leader
Avi Puri – communicator
Doruk Celebi – accountant
Dylan Greuel – admin
Dr. Frank Pfefferkorn, UW-Madison