Discharge Coefficient Static Valve Tester
Problem statement
Wanner Engineering is currently working with a hydra-cell diaphragm pump test stand that is meant to efficiently measure Reynold’s Number and Discharge Coefficient for the pump valves. However, the current test stand is not able to record accurate data that can be used for developing their pumps. Boosting pump efficiency and operation is crucial to the Engineering Team at Wanner; and refining the test stand to effectively record data on their valves will provide them with insight towards pump improvement, thereby making their pumps that much better than competitors. In the past year, there have been developments made to the test stand such as: automating it, using less piping, and making it usable for one person to operate. These improvements are crucial, but there is still a need for the test stand to accurately and efficiently measure data for Reynold’s Number and Discharge Coefficient. We plan to accomplish this task with a new pressure transducer, better test stand calibration, installing a Hydraulic Attenuator, as well as running CFDs to mirror expected data. These additions will hopefully raise testing accuracy and efficiency for the benefit of both Wanner Engineering, and it’s clients. We realize that some of these components come with a large price tag, and our team will do its best to prioritize the needs and deliverables of Wanner Engineering, while strongly considering the provided budget.
Team members
Benjamin Nass – leader
Jonathan Buettner – communicator
Nathan Schmitz – accountant
Jarod Kuhfahl – admin
Matt Hollister, Wanner Engineering, Inc.