Combustion Engine Intake and Exhaust Sound Reduction
Problem statement
An SAE Clean Snowmobile team could design the cleanest snowmobile from an emissions standpoint and still not qualify for a top position at competition if their snowmobile is too loud. Noise reduction is interestingly the most highly weighted criteria in the SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge that is scored using the J192 SAE standard, and in past years UW-Madison’s team has come up short in this category. Stock mufflers have been used to attenuate noise levels, but additional noise reducing devices are required if 1st place is the goal. We intend to design and optimize additional exhaust and/or intake resonators that will further reduce sound levels and ultimately provide our client with the quietest snowmobile at the competition.
Team members
Joshua Richlen – leader
Ethan Hizmi – communicator
Seamus Doyle – accountant
Dawson Shultz – admin
Glenn Bower, UW-Madison