JetCat Turbine Power Generation
Problem statement
The goal with this project is to modify the stock JetCat P100 engine to deliver a minimum amount of DC electrical power while maximizing thrust-to-weight (T/W) ratio. The total system weight will consist of all stock components of the engine and any additions. Hardware used to sink and measure the generated electrical power will not be considered as extra weight. Students will model and test for achievable thrust, providing a baseline for how these modifications may affect said parameter. A digital environment in which students may operate is essential in achieving proper analysis of the engine. Therefore, a model of the engine’s cycles, geometry and overall processes is highly encouraged. The digital twin mentioned acts as an activity for students, baselining data on contrasting solutions towards system modifications.
Team members
Mitchell Erdmann – leader
Timmy Quakkelaar – communicator
Konner Waszak-Cortessi – accountant
Raymond Yang – admin