A cart that helps disabled dogs with mobility issues
Problem statement
What would you do if your dog lost all feeling and control in her back legs? Your dog can no longer go on walks and must scoot around while pulling her full weight with only her front legs. The current solution for this condition is to harness the dog to a wheeled cart to serve as the dog’s hind legs. Testimonials from handicapped dog owners around the world have praised the existing solution to this problem [1]. However, none of these existing pet assist companies manufacture models that take the load off of the front legs of the dog. Currently, Bronte can only go on short walks on level grade roads due to her limitation before getting tired. Our goal is to provide Bronte with a solution that delivers motor assist with sensor control on a wheeled cart to function more like hind legs. Our solution will result in providing Bronte more freedom and allow her to enjoy longer walks and interaction with other dogs without getting exhausted. This innovation on an existing product will go a long way in increasing Bronte’s quality of life. Sources: [1] “Walkin’ Wheels | Dog Wheelchair Reviews,” Handicapped Pets. https://www.handicappedpets.com/customer-reviews/ (accessed Sep. 18, 2020).
Team members
Justin Bruno – leader
Collin Doerflinger – communicator
Brett Edwards – accountant
Zhanhao Ding – admin
Gregory Nellis, UW-Madison