Badger BOAT (Team 4)

logo34 2020Autonomous Solar-Powered Boat

Problem statement

Lake Mendota is currently one of the most polluted lakes in North America, often hosting significant blue-green algae blooms that pose a hazard to both swimmers and the general populace of Madison. The Badger Boat could provide a crucial autonomous water sampling system, capable of providing data that would be useful in predicting the behavior of algae blooms as well as identifying ways to prevent significant blooms in the future. The Autonomous Solar Boat Team is broken up into three sub-categories: Autonomy, Power and Sampling. The 351 group will be operating as a hybrid between the autonomy and sampling teams. Our project goals will be to create a camera system capable of identifying blue green algae so that it may be sampled, as well as improving the autonomous systems to allow for self-docking, even in adverse conditions. In order to accomplish these goals, we need to create a camera system capable of relaying images to a computer that will then employ machine learning algorithms to identify blue green algae blooms. Additionally, we will utilize the sensors already employed by the battery system to create a “return-to-base signal” that will instruct the boat to return to its dock depending on its location and the battery levels required to return safely, as well as create a program capable of directing the boat into its dock, in order to make the boat fully autonomous.

Team membersteam34 2020

Trevor  Graber – leader
Zoha Cochinwala – communicator
John Steward – accountant
Aditya Patel – admin


Kristofer Dressler, UW-Madison