
logo28 2019Fabrication of a low-cost humidity controlled aerosol inlet system

Problem statement

It is not news that pollution is a huge problem in the world today but in places such as Dahka, Bangladesh and Kolkata, India pollution is an entirely different monster than pollution here in the United States. The biggest issue within these places is pollution generated from combustion such as “transportation engines, power and heat generation, industrial processes and the burning of solid waste” [1]. These particles can be recorded and measured using an aerosol sensor via light scattering detection. This sensing process can be distorted by water molecules in the air because the water molecules have optical properties that skew the data [2]. This is an issue because the first step to solving issues involved with pollution is studying and recording areas of critical pollution levels. It is necessary to limit the relative humidity of the air flow passing through these sensors so that Ross Edwards at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene and his colleagues can accurately measure and record locations with critically high pollution levels. This record will then help to target specific locations in these densely populated cities to monitor, study, and eventually lower the pollution levels in these areas and improve the standard of living for numerous people.

Team membersteam28 2019

Adam Tschida – leader
Tierney Kilgariff – communicator
Jack Arriola – accountant
Mussab Alnammi – admin


Peter Edwards, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene