Manikin Skywalker

Manikan Skywalker - 1xDI: Joint arthroscopy manikin for viable cartilage

Problem statement

Orthopedic surgery is an incredibly difficult practice which requires a minimum of thirteen years of higher level education and training [1]. Despite the commitment required, these surgeons still have to make decisions regarding the biological health of certain joint tissue purely visually with incomplete information with respect to the condition of said tissue on a cellular level. Currently, there exist no systems which allow surgeons to optically measure redox imbalance, a tissue health indicator, in real-time during procedures [2]. Providing this information to surgeons during a procedure would allow for the delivery of treatment such as steroid injections to unhealthy tissue, improving patient outcomes. To develop this technology, the Henak Lab requires the design and fabrication of a low-cost, anatomically correct manikin of the knee to test live cartilage tissue imaging capabilities in a controlled preclinical environment. Similar products exist but do not allow for the culture of live cartilage tissue [3]. The development of this simulator offers a creative and novel method for improving the quality of life for the two million patients who receive arthroscopic knee procedures every year [4].

Team membersteam17-2023

Shrey Ramesh – leader
Delaney Reindl – leader
Connor Dokken – communicator
Jack Thurk – accountant
Rachel Dallet – admin
Sierra Reschke – admin


Dr. Corinne Henak
Mechanical Engineering