Trippple Dub (WWW)

logo12-2023WiscWind Mechanical/Structural Systems Team

Problem statement

Working alongside the WiscWind Aerodynamics/Materials Senior Design Team, this team is designing, building, and testing a wind turbine prototype for the U.S. Department of Energy Collegiate Wind Competition. This team will focus predominantly on the mechanical systems and substructure of the wind turbine to efficiently turn rotational energy into electrical energy while maintaining structural integrity. The mechanical subsystems of the wind turbine include yaw control, pitch control, and generator mounting/coupling. The design must fall within the specifications and constraints and accomplish different tasks in power output, safety, turbine control, and durability.

Team membersteam12-2023

Robbie Miller – leader
Christian Barrett – communicator
Seth Petersen – accountant
Sam Coughlin – admin


Scott Williams
Wisconsin Energy Institute/WiscWind