Nikola and the Badgers

logo 15-2023ASTEC Advanced sCO2 Tesla Energy Converter

Problem statement

With few environments being as hostile at space, efficiently powering space probes remains a significant challenge. Current methods include power generation through solar and nuclear energy. Solar energy, harnessed from the sun, provides an abundant power source, but its availability can vary depending on the mission’s environment. On the contrary, Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RGT), used to provide electricity on probes including the Pioneer and Voyager, have been the primary power supply for space exploration since their creation in 1966. RTG’s have long life spans, utilizing the radioactive nature of materials like Plutonium by converting natural heat induced by the material to electricity, albeit with an efficiency of around 10%. The challenge of efficiently powering space probes becomes even more pronounced when dealing with small-scale applications on deep space unmanned probes. This challenge arises from the diminishing efficiency of conventional power cycles as they are scaled down in size. While solid-state thermoelectric generators offer reliability but low efficiency, dynamic heat engines hold promise with higher efficiencies. However, as power requirements decrease, conventional turbine machinery faces increasing losses, limiting their practicality. To address these issues, we aim to explore the feasibility of Tesla turbines for power generation leveraging supercritical carbon dioxide as the working fluid. Unlike radial turbines, Tesla turbines utilize viscous forces and the boundary-layer effect to generate rotational movement between tightly spaced discs which proves more easily scalable for low power applications. It is our job to determine if Tesla turbines can be scaled down while maintaining high efficiency. This task requires addressing the specific engineering intricacies associated with scaling and optimizing the Tesla Turbine in the context of deep space missions, where efficiency, reliability, and energy generation are critical factors.

Team membersteam15-2023

Cameron Krahn – leader
Griffin Holman – communicator
Will Grice – accountant
Jacob Underwood – admin


Mark Anderson
Mechanical/ Digital engines, LLC