Sled Zeppelin

Sled Zeppelin 2024Hybrid Snowmobile

Problem statement

An SAE Clean Snowmobile Team can excel in emissions and fuel economy events, but their performance in overall competition can be hindered by trade-offs in power output. Acceleration and handling events account for a sizable portion of the SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge scoring, categories that in previous years Badger Clean Snowmobile has placed very poorly. The team uses a naturally aspirated 4-stroke engine, which performs well in emissions and fuel economy but lacks the power to accelerate like 2-stroke and turbocharged 4-stroke competitors. Our team intends to give our client a 4-stroke snowmobile with faster throttle response and more peak power, with the addition of an electric motor. Potential weight increases can be minimized through appropriate motor and battery selection. Our hybrid powertrain will provide quicker acceleration with the potential to improve fuel economy and reduce emissions, resulting in a high-performance snowmobile.

Team membersSled Zeppelin 2024

Sam Roslansky – facilitator
Kaitlyn Greenwald – communicator
Henry Huth – accountant
Tanner Windau – admin


Badger Clean Snowmobile