Sensor configuration and mounts and vehicle integration
Problem statement
For a vehicle to be truly autonomous, it is essential that it has access to multiple forms of data (camera, LiDAR, etc.) from the environment around it. This year, the University of Wisconsin – Madison’s Wisconsin Autonomous team will be competing against 9 teams in the Autodrive Challenge II. This competition allows the College of Engineering to compete against nine other prestigious universities to design a level four autonomous vehicle within four years. We intend to act as a bridge between the physical car and the autonomous algorithms that drive it. Our team intends to give our client the ability to create a flexible hardware configuration that can be utilized throughout the year in order to hit deliverable requirements for the competition. Our solution will provide the team with hardware configurations for a SUV and testbenches throughout the year. This will involve deciding which physical sensors to use, mounting them to the car, and figuring out how to control the car at a low level using CAN messaging. This project will not only allow the College of Engineering to compete in an international challenge, but also provide innovative solutions in the autonomous vehicle field.
Team members
Anirudh Jayendra – leader
Joseph Koenig – communicator
Bryan Look – accountant
Sam Tobin – admin
Glenn Bower, UW-Madison