Bitter Cold Badgers

logo35 2020Portable Tub Chiller

Problem statement

Everyday millions of people across the country take time out of their day to practice a healthier lifestyle by exercising at fitness centers or at home. As trainees put their bodies under large amounts of stress, many overlook the importance of post-workout recovery. Without proper recovery, athletes significantly increase their risk of injury during future workouts. One method of recovery, which is commonly used by professional and collegiate athletes, are cold baths. In a cold bath, trainees sit in a tub filled with 50 degree water for around 20 minutes. Cold baths after exercising have been shown to ease sore and aching muscles, reduce inflammation, and mitigate the risk of future injury [3]. Our client, former NFL offensive lineman Gabe Carimi, who trains very hard, voiced his concern about a lack of a portable, easy-to-use, and convenient water chilling device for proper muscle recovery. Without access to professional athletic facilities, the majority of trainees lack the ability to take cold baths. Two chiller devices, the Cold Daddy and ICoolSport chillers, are currently on the market, but they are not practical. The Cold Daddy chiller is very large and weighs hundreds of pounds which defeats the convenience of portability [1]. ICoolSport’s chiller is slightly smaller than the Cold Daddy chiller, but still very heavy and would have to be carried by multiple people [2]. Not only are both of these products very bulky and troublesome to use due to their size and weight, but they also cost thousands of dollars. We intend to design a water chiller that is portable and easy to set up for someone to use as part of their exercise routine. In the end, we hope to differentiate our product from other competitors by reducing the weight to no more than 75 pounds, improving the time to cool the bath to two hours, and bringing the cost down to no more than $1500. Ultimately, our goal is to get our product out to gym goers, athletes, sports facilities, and fitness centers so that more people, like Mr. Carimi, are able to have easy access to cold baths and the numerous benefits it provides.

Team membersteam35 2020

Tyler Young – leader
Mihail Yankov – communicator
Josh Caputa – accountant
Davis Blanchard – admin


Gabe Carimi