Just a Drop in the Bucket

logo13 2019NADP Sampler

Problem statement

NADP was formed in 1977 to collect wet deposition samples to be tested for acid, base cations, and ammonia; and was later expanded to monitor ammonia and mercury content. Trends in this data are then utilized in order to make more informed decisions for the health of the public and ecosystem including: agricultural crops, forests, rangelands, surface waters, and other natural resources [1]. The concentrations of these elements in water samples is directly indicative of the state of the environment and the trends in their content are correlated to increased industrial emissions and pollution. Having an autonomous event based sampler is imperative to monitor these trends as if changes are not made the next generation could be faced with irreversible environmental consequences. To monitor these trends, some of the available instruments NADP uses is the Aerochem Precipitation Collector and the DRA-12 Precipitation Collector [2]. Each instrument automatically collects precipitation once it senses the event occurs and stores the specimens until they are retrieved from the field. Each instrument though, has its drawbacks. The Aerochem collects each event in a large bucket which allows for mixing of concentrations after each event. Furthermore, other debris can be collected and make the sample unusable [3]. The DRA-12 remedies that issue by recording each event in a 250 mL bottle and stored in a climate controlled environment [4]. However, the added cost to the DRA-12 along with its bulky and clumsy design do not make it feasible for NADP. Our group hopes to construct an automated precipitation collector that records individual events while maintaining the samples at a controlled temperature. Our prototype will also be cost effective to reproduce and robust enough that can be deployed by a single person. Citations [1] NADP, “2017 Annual Summary,” October 2018. http://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/lib/data/2017as.pdf. [2] NADP, “About NADP,” 2018. [Online]. Available: https://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/NADP/. [3] Dossett, Scott. “Aerochem Metrics Precipitation Collector Maintenance Manual,” 1984. http://hdl.handle.net/2142/73185. [4] “User Manual for DIGITEL Precipitation SamplerDRA-12 HK,” 2014.

Team membersteam13 2019

Chris Vitale – leader
Noah Barnes – communicator
Ibrahim Suleiman – accountant
Sarah Deltour – admin


Richard Tanabe & Mark Olson, NADP